Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Funeral Reception Planning Guide - Country Hills Crematorium


Quite often the most important part of any funeral is the reception. A reception is the first social event following a funeral where the deceased is not present and represents a new, often difficult reality. A reception is usually held following a funeral or memorial service to offer friends and family the opportunity to meet informally so they can gather together to show their support for one another. The post funeral reception gives mourners the chance to interact, share memories and continue to celebrate the life of someone they cared about. It is important to keep the purpose and value of the reception in mind when planning a funeral reception.

When planning a funeral reception, there are a few key decisions to keep in mind, whether you are planning yourself or sharing your needs with a funeral planner who can put them into action for you.

    1. Choose a location – The appropriate location for planning to have a funeral reception is anywhere that suits you and your guests. A place that was special to the deceased is often chosen and the location can be traditional, such as a church or funeral home reception hall, or non-traditional, such as a favourite restaurant or outdoor location.

    2. Set a tone – Some funeral receptions are celebratory and full of humour, others are more somber and reflective. Consider the person you are there to honour, their wishes, what feels comfortable and the overall attitude of the majority of your attendees to determine the tone or type of funeral reception you are planning.

    3. Personalize the event – A funeral reception is an opportunity to bring mourners together and honour the person who has passed. Personalizing the reception to include religious and cultural observances, personal anecdotes, hobbies and unique details from the life of the deceased and those there to remember them helps to bring life to the occasion and creates a more personal connection for those attending.

    4. Choose food & drink – The reception after a funeral doesn’t have to include alcohol or consist of a full meal. The type of food and drink you serve will depend on financial considerations, the amount of time you have to prepare, religious requirements and cultural factors. Work with your funeral director or the team at the venue you have chosen to determine the appropriate food and drink when planning your funeral reception.

    5. Consider other details – As a part of personalizing the reception, consider adding special touches such as music, videos, slideshows, flowers, unique commemorative adornments and anything else that suits the occasion.

When planning a funeral reception, remember that the purpose of the event is to bring people together to pay their respects and honour the person who has passed away. This will look different for everyone, so take some time to consider what truly matters to you and the other mourners so you can focus on the important stuff and not get stuck in making emotional decisions or overdoing it.

Monday, March 1, 2021

How Funeral Homes are Dealing with Covid


Public health measures put in place to minimize the spread of Covid-19 have dramatically affected how funerals are held, who can attend and what can happen during the funeral. While the restrictions will update are the situation requires, there are many things that funeral homes have adopted to keep you safe and help families to say goodbye to their loved ones in a way that honours them and respects all necessary bylaws, restrictions and recommendations.

Funeral homes know that when dealing with a loss of a loved one and making preparations for a service, there are going to be times where there are many emotions. Funeral home staff are committed to providing the care and compassion that is needed during these times.

Recent developments related to the public health crisis with Coronavirus (Covid-19) requires that the necessary steps are taken as directed by the Chief Medical Officer in each area, which means that funeral homes are required to monitor and update any changes to these rules. In response to Covid-19, most funeral homes have implemented important restrictions and measures to comply with keeping their families and communities safe.

Some important changes & restrictions include:

  • Services are now limited to 20 people (excluding 2 funeral home staff).

  • Visitors coming to pay their respects may come into the funeral home, pay their respects and leave as long as there are no more than 20 people in the building at one time. Visitations can be scheduled to accommodate this.

  • Services will be made available through live streaming, at the discretion of the family.

  • No family bathing rituals allowed until further notice.

  • No service of food and beverages or receptions as part of funeral services.

  • We are also asking people to consider, wherever possible, having private family funerals.

When holding a funeral is necessary for a family, funeral home staff want to help them to say goodbye to their loved one in a way that respects the needs of the family and follows the strat guidelines set out by the local government. We will do everything in our power to accommodate your family and guests to pay your respects and honour your loved one.

In some circumstances, a family may choose to wait to have a memorial service for their loved one after the final disposition so that the grieving process can begin the way they would prefer it to. Our funeral services team is always available to help make this happen and can work through the necessary parts of the process with you now but plan the funeral, memorial service or celebration of life at another time when restrictions have lessened.

Often religious rites or cultural observances require that services take place immediately. In that case, the funeral home team will walk you through the current restrictions and help you to plan a funeral service that accommodates your needs within the rules.

Planning a funeral is never easy but Covid-19 restrictions have added an additional layer of confusion and complication. Funeral homes are well equipped to help you navigate this difficult time.

Funeral Home And Cremation Services Near You In Calgary

Whether someone in your life has recently passed away, or you are considering preplanning for your own funeral and cremation, you may find y...