Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Complete Understanding of Cremation Pricing With Country Hills Crematorium

Cremation costs can vary dramatically depending on location and level of services. For example, the cost of a simple cremation in Calgary with the remains returned to the family will cost significantly less than having a full funeral with the body present before cremation. The good news is, you can get a good idea of the range of prices so you can avoid sticker shock when you start shopping for Calgary cremation services.

There are 3 primary types of cremations available in Calgary:

1. Cremation with traditional service

Typically the highest cost option. Incorporates the benefits of both a traditional funeral service and cremation, including embalming and a casket rental. Cremation is performed following the funeral services. 

2. Cremation with memorial service

With a memorial service, the cremated remains need not be present. Cremation with a memorial service is a way to honour the memory of a loved one in much the same way as you would during a funeral service. 

3. Cremation without ceremony (also known as direct cremation)

With direct cremation, there are no ceremonial services involved. The body is cremated shortly after passing, without embalming, viewing or visitation. This is usually the cheapest and most affordable cremation option.

Direct Cremation

A direct cremation is the most economical type of cremation in Calgary. Prices can range widely but you can generally expect to pay $1,500-$2,500 for a direct cremation.

Simply put, with direct cremation there is no memorial service and no funeral. The deceased is transported directly to the crematorium and the remains are returned to the family in a temporary container. The following elements are generally included in the cost of a direct cremation:

    • Transportation of the deceased from the place of death or funeral home to the crematorium.

    • Body preparation, if required. For example, medical devices, metals and any other non-combustible materials will be removed. There is no embalming.

    • Handling any necessary permits and paperwork. There may be an extra charge for providing copies of the death certificate.

    • An “alternative container” for the body. This is usually a combustible container made of sturdy material.

    • Use of the cremation chamber for the actual cremation.

    • Return of the remains to the family or loved ones in a basic box or urn.


While it is not always the case, it is usually less expensive to purchase cremation directly through a crematory or a specialized cremation-only company rather than purchasing through a funeral home. That’s because most funeral homes do not own their own crematory and will need to subcontract the cremation.

Traditional Cremation

Traditional cremation refers to cremation where a funeral (the body is present) or memorial service is included. This type of cremation is sometimes called classic cremation or full-service cremation.

In most cases, traditional Calgary cremation is arranged through a funeral home. Costs vary widely since every funeral home designs packages differently. On average, traditional cremations in Calgary will cost $3,000-6,000. The exact price will depend on the services you choose. Visitation and viewing, for example, add to the cost. If you choose to have a funeral or viewing, you may be required to purchase embalming. This adds to the cost of Calgary cremation.

A typical traditional cremation package will usually include:

    • Basic services of the funeral director and funeral home staff.

    • Transportation of the deceased from the place of death or funeral home to the crematorium.

    • Embalming and/or body preparation.

    • Handling any necessary permits and paperwork.

    • An alternate container or casket for the body. The casket may be an upgrade.

    • Use of the cremation chamber for the actual cremation.

    • Disposition of the body (burial or mausoleum) or return of remains to the family.

It is especially important that you know what you are buying when you choose traditional cremation. Request an itemized price list and ask lots of questions.

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